A Running List Of Christian Ideals Which Are Incompatible With Stoicism

"Christians", here, refers to fundamentalist and moderate Christians; 
which ~just so happens to be~
 damn-near-all Christians who post in Stoicism groups. 
It does not apply to new-age "metaphorical" Christians who interpret everything in bibles as:
for expressing progressive secular values 
via religious language]

Stoics and Christians used terms like "God", "logos", "wisdom", "justice", "love", "virtue", etc..

But they were defining those terms in very different ways.

Their descriptions and their prescriptions for life
were, as I see it, mutually incompatible.

Stoics saw "God" and "logos" as impersonal forces which are intrinsic to our universe.

Christians see those as literal persons; which are outside of our universe, and have a generally negative/lesser view of the physical realm.
(link to video where John Trudell (theist; not an atheist) talks about this.
Further, ... 

Bibles are heavily doctrine-based.

They're also entirely authoritarian and totalitarian.

It's wrong to think, feel, say, do, or fail-to-do things on a rather long list of DOs and DON'Ts.

Do your best to follow these rules. BUT dishonestly claim "there are no rules", in order to help sell it to outsiders.

It would be more honest to say "there are many rules; but we're only legally bound to some of them".

Those are rights and wrongs because:
External authority.

A Larger-than-life, bizarrely antisocial hover-parent "says so".

Might Makes Right.

Obedience is a virtue.

Seek the Father's validation, as the core of your worth.
See that ALSO as the basis of everyone else's worth; or lack thereof.

Pretend religious "faith" is a virtue.

Rejoice! ... in evading all accountability for transgressions against others,
by scapegoating those moral debts onto an innocent martyr.

Rejoice that an innocent man was tortured and killed, in order to provide a moral loophole that lets you dodge moral accountability.

Pretend that counts as "being accountable".

Also be kinda angry at the Jews for killing the guy ... that you're simultaneously glad they killed.

Be glad he was killed; because as a posthumously adopted heir, ... you stand to inherit a FORTUNE.
Just don't forget to brag ... that you "didn't earn it".

Resign to become eternally dependent children to that "Father";
so that he might find your existence flattering and useful enough to his name/glory (his ego) that "just maybe he won't have to kill you" (and/or torture you forever).

Look forward to the day when you can move into Father's castle;
to live under his roof/ his rules, forever after; with no greater thing to live for than to praise him morning, noon, and night.

Look forward to your eternal reward
as someone who is stripped away of your ability
to ever-again have an unapproved thought, feeling, or impulse to action.

Look forward to that day,
whenever everyone who committed the moral crime of ~not being a Christian~ is cast into a Hell (whatever your arbitrary faction thinks Hell is).

Look forward to that day,
when you'll happily not-care anymore
about your loved-ones from THIS life ... who were eternally discarded into that abyss.

Claim that he "is love"; and hope whoever you're saying that to ... is pretty much clueless about actual love.

Claim that is also exemplifies "perfect justice".
Hope whoever you're saying that too ... doesn't understand justice either; and doesn't know how to look the word up in a dictionary.

Play the same semantic sleight-of-hand with a list of other " virtues".
Just hope an actual Stoic (or a humanist)
isn't around to call you out for it.

Carry out "The Great Commission"; 
to use your "totally not a religion" 
as a Racketeering Scheme (Protection Racket).  

 Make sure to tell everyone 
"That's a really nice soul you have there.
 It would be a shame
if something ... bad happened to it

Try getting everyone to submit to YOU as the "moral authority" over EVERY meaningful facet of their journey, and even their identity.

Try to convince them that surrendering to YOU and your church ...
is tantamount to surrendering to their GOD. 

Make sure they know ...

When it comes to spiritual matters, morality, and even their very worth and identity, ...

Questioning you 
means they are questioning their GOD. 

Doubting you
means doubting their GOD. 

Finding fault with you
means finding fault with their GOD. 

Mocking you
means mocking their GOD. 

-Because you are HIS voice on earth. 
Thus, you do not speak as an equal. 

This is the righteously entitled
 ~bubble of social non-accountability~
that all clinical narcissists crave;
but which only true Christians are granted. 
 You don't have to provide a logically sound basis for this claim.
 You only need to feel/know it's true. 

GOOD people will "recognize God's voice" as you speak.

Wicked people will not. 

Just be glad that all those "rebellious" non-Christian Stoics (including all the original Stoics)
will someday be in the "hell" they deserve.


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