Why Christianity's Ongoing Contributions To Humanity Are Not "Great".

 First Draft. 

[This one's pretty long. I need to break it down into three different blogs;
 specially since I thought of some things I should add]

Besides the way the whole "I'll pray for you"-mentality discourages people from actually taking real actions that really help people (which is, of course, a problem for our world), ...

With atheism,
when kindness happens,
there's no downside.
It's just a person doing good things for others.

With Abrahamic personal-God-theism, there's a lot of downside.

They're doing P.R./recruiting work;
as an extension of
their good deeds.

That's usually why they're bothering to do a good deed at all.
But even when it's not the primary or soul reason, it's "a reason".

More importantly,
it's "an effect".
It results in:
more people joining a random Christian-themed religion.

It also results in societies' being more permissive and enabling of the religions they've totally misunderstood;
because people just see the good stuff and don't become aware of the bad stuff.

-Same as how any other form of mafia/organized-crime can earn a good rep in a community, by all the charitable causes they lead and support.

But for people who actually join those religions,
it's worse.

At best,
they'll get sucked into a "not as bad" version.

These progressive churches do (all) have some really toxic (mutually abusive, and self-abusive) ideals.
But those are so sugar-coated and
"spun" to seem virtuous, that it just passively undermines them in ways they won't even be cognoscente of.

Meanwhile, many will get sucked into really bad versions, and then indoctrinated before they've had a fair chance to figure out the true nature of what they're surrendering to.

That's what cults do.

That's the problem with company logos and flags.

Jimmy-Carter-versions operate under the same banner as the far worse versions.
But the average person doesn't clearly perceive the difference.

So then:

A not-as-bad version might sponsor a special charity for a community.

That softens hearts and promotes the banner.

Soften hearts,
with a new love for that banner,
will be receptive in the future ... to anyone flying that banner;
- without making a clarified distinction between the different types.

That puts them all at-risk of being suckered by worse versions.

Whenever that works (and it does work, fairly often), ...

They're going to become at least a little bit weaponized against all other humans.
I can explain what I mean by this, but this reply is already rather TL;DR, so I'll have to cover that in another post.

Some will even become radicalized.
I'm sure we've both noticed cases of that happening.

And then they're going to indoctrinate their kids.
And then some of those kids will indoctrinate theirs.
etc etc.

Now, I noticed above, where you pointed out (correctly) that most wars are not fought "in the name of religion".

That's true.

But all wars are fought
because of horrendous ideals
which are fostered/carried/promoted by Abrahamic religions.

Those include:
Authoritarian/Totalitarian principals.

concepts like
"if you're not with us, you're against us",
"if you're against us, then you're an enemy"
"if you're an enemy, then you're a threat to our way of life and our kingdom. So you're going to have to die".

As Hitchens pointed out, "With a very larger part of itself, (such religions) can hardly wait for everyone else to die".

They've been sold the idea that there can't be a lasting peace until such a "final solution" is carried out.

Anyone who thinks/lives/loves/identifies outside the parameters of their narrative ... is automatically perverse, and rebelling against goodness itself. So all such persons are "choosing to suffer and die" (not necessarily in that order) and their (mad) King will see to it.

Meanwhile, on a more personal level,
in their homes,
in their families,
in their churches.
and even in public schools, whenever/however they can sneak it in through the back door, ...

everyone (even little children) are taught they are not enough.
not good enough. not worth-while enough that even a "GOD" who "is LOVE" can accept them as they are.

He will not "dwell" with them.

He will not let them into his kingdom.

He can't even stand to LOOK upon the sin they are saturated to the core with.

They'll need, first, to be "forgiven" for being 'not enough'.

They'll need, first, to embrace the idea that they are filthy by nature, and unworthy of the air they breathe;
so that they'll fall to their knees a BEG to be pardoned for their deficiencies.

They've inherited a disgusting disease
from two humans.

Science has proven Adam and Eve never literally existed; but this fact is hidden from them, as part of the subtly abusive (but "necessary") sabotage of their education.

And what did those first two (fictional) humans DO, to become spiritual lepers, who we could only inherit (pardonable) worthlessness from?
They chose to risk outgrowing a clinically narcissistic parent.

So then the entire religious narrative, ...

their entire religious culture
promotes and disguises the diagnostic criteria for both:
malignant clinical Narcissistic Personality disorder

They call these things "virtues";
making it impossible for a child to recognize various serious forms of abuse/abusers.

Instead, they're taught to be attracted to such traits.
What could be better than "godliness"?

And then they're pressured to marry those abusers, because "God hates sex outside of marriage".

And then they're pressured to stay WITH those abusers, because "God hates divorce".

And their kids get traumatized, from all the years being raised chin-deep in those dysfunctions.

And, of course,
the orthodox version of "God" hates LGBT, non-believers, doctrinally-incorrect believers, pagans, and even can't stand non-radicalized believers (what bibles call being "lukewarm").

But that whole mess relies on community outreach, and divisive propaganda (as if our world needs more division), popping out as many babies as they can, and then indoctrinating those vulnerable kids,
as a way to help save itself from dying out.


There are so many more points I could make.

My brain keeps saying "you forgot to mention this other thing, and this, and this, ..."

And I'm like "yea. I know. but I've already dropped too much onto the table at once.
It's time to go do something else for a while.
I don't want to be still thinking about this stuff when I go to bed."

And then my brain's like ...
"ok ok. Fair point. But just make one more point about it. Just one. And then I'll let you think about other stuff".

So then I'm like "ok fine. Pick one thing. a simple thing. I'll post it. And then we're done".

And then my brain was all like "deal!"

So here's the random thing it picked,
for things religions get wrong that messes up people's brains.

[note to brain.
You satisfied now?

"No; not really. But a deal's a deal. 
Hey, let's go watch some Videos of atheists exposing religious crap."

Uhm ... that's exactly what you promise we would stop thinking about now. 

"But ... but ... some of them are done as cartoons.
That's pretty fun and lighthearted, right?"

omfg, brain. Leave me alone. ]


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