Literally NO ONE Ever "Rejects" A "God'.

Literally no one ever decides to "reject" a real "God". 

Beliefs aren't formed that way.

Perceptions for 'standards of evidence' vary from person to person.

Every truly-believing Jehovah's Witness honestly perceives that religion's narrative is "the truth" .

Same with every Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Muslim, Wiccan, Native American/Indigenous "spiritualist", etc..

They aren't rebelling against any "God".
They aren't secretly aware of being wrong.
They aren't in those fabled belief systems due to a lack of virtue.

For all the Bad Press Atheists get for being unfairly judgmental about believers,
they can't hold a candle to how harsh believers are about each other.

I say that because:
At least atheists aren't saying or thinking that whoever is getting it "wrong" deserves eternal discard (like trash), or worse.
Nor do they normally assume that whoever is getting it 'wrong' is only pretending to believe the wrong thing.

Everyone is earnestly trying to "get it right".

The same is true of all agnostic-nonbelievers,
confident disbelievers,

I'm honestly not trying to goad anyone here, with this.

I'm not trying to steal your peace, or test your Stoic resolve, or make something personal.

I just want to people to be less harsh,
and more fair
about the nature of the human experience.

This is, as it happens, one of the biggest problems I have with almost-all versions of Abrahamic "faiths".

Their narratives necessitate the assumption of bad character, and bad motives
for everyone who has had a chance to hear and reflect upon their version of "the message"
and then not fallen to their knees, crying "teacher, teach me more!".

is the reason why person-X responds one way to your religion,
while person-Y responds another.

No one gets to freely choose how their brain gets chemically wired.

Prior life experience,
comfort levels,

So many psychological reflexes they aren't even consciously aware of ...
all factor in to how "true" any faith's message sounds when they hear it, and when/if they think more about it later.

No one
is knowingly "rejecting" a real "God";
EVEN IF there may be a real God.


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