How Christian Concepts of "God" and the "Logos" Are Incompatible With Stoicism
Christians dishonestly and irrationally claim to possess knowledge beyond the reach of what any humans could actually possess.
In doing so, they’ve woven complex and irrational narratives;
where the “logos” is quite literally a person.
The Logos was not regarded as a person, to the Stoics.
It was the manifest/evident existence of wisdom itself;
- Expressed not only through the intelligence of men, but in the brilliantly balanced and purposeful orchestra of nature and physics inherent to all things;
-which they determined to be an expression of an eternal source (like a wellspring) of wisdom.
So then the logos, to Stoics, is literally that wisdom.
And then “God” is an intentionally vague pantheistic intelligence (having more in common with atheism than it does with theism; somewhere in the foggy space between deism and atheism) from-which-flows that wisdom.
Not separate from us.
Not separate from nature.
Not separate from the universe.
Not separate from the cosmos.
Not a literal person.
Not a male.
Not a literal character with a bizarre political agenda.
Not an appeal to authoritarian/Totalitarian principals.
Not petty,
not vindictive,
not insecure,
nor narcissistic.
Not concerned with making a “name” for itself to be glorified,
Not an issuer of dogmas or doctrines.
Not the fantastically poor communicator that Bible-God is.
Not a denigrator or demonizer of the physical realm or “flesh”.
Not an intelligence that plays favorites, while pitting humans against each other.
Not something which has EVER “willed” for some “chosen people” to enslave, mass-murder, commit genocide, or steal the lands of others.
Not a “God” which requires FAITH for anything at all;
especially not:
on bad evidence.
Not a “God” which requires BELIEF in some very strange
(and poorly supported) religious claims, “or else” it would abandon anyone to a literal place of eternal torment.
Not something which preys upon our fear of death.
Not something with threatens to single out people for death-or-worse if they offend its ego.
Not something which has ever willfully inspired mafia-type Protection Rackets
(what Christians call "the offer of grace").
Not something which tells us how we can be "forgiven" for being unworthy to even EXIST, if only we'll correctly intuit which sect is his favorite;
and then surrender to it.
Not something which promises eternal Hedonistic bliss if we jump through the right religious hoops first.
Not something which then says “but don’t honestly admit that this counts as hedonism”.
Not something which inspires hate for LGBT, pagans, non-believers, the sexually-liberated, etc … and then calls all that hate “Love”.
Not a “God” that promises to REMOVE the burden of being able (ever again) to have unapproved thoughts, as an “eternal reward” for randomly choosing a “true religion” to be a sycophant for.
Not a dishonest “God”;
So then, ...
not like the Abrahamic God
who expects fans (fanatics) to play word games for it,
so that every hate counts as love,
and every lie counts as a truth,
and every rejection of logic counts as reasonable,
and every rejection of basic human decency counts as virtue,
and every virtue is “like filthy rags”,
and every LIFE is disposable until it becomes useful as a source of service and flattery.
Nothing like what Christians claim to be “God”.
Nothing like what Christians claim to be the “Logos of God”.
Not even remotely compatible.
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