Why I Think "Jesus" Was A Real Person.
I think "Jesus" (no matter the real name of the person) was probably a real person.
However, ...
The only aspects of his real life that I think remain (intact) in the stories we have today
The elements which reveal him to have been a bipolar,
alcoholic (self-medicating),
perpetually homeless,
usually jobless,
class-warfare activist;
- blaming everyone in power for poverty and oppression;
- romanticizing the downtrodden, poverty-stricken, sheeple of his society ... as righteous underdogs.
He didn't really give much thought to other societies; much the same way nationalists (in any society) barely notice most other societies; except whomever they feel threatened by.
Everything is defined in the context of the only society he knows and cares about; the setting of his own personal narrative.
His religious-fundamentalist upbringing was a primary cause of his mental illness; as such religions DO cause actual brain damage and psychological disease.
Additionally (woven into that psychological fracturing):
His severe Daddy Issues determined the identity of the voices he heard.
He eventually committed suicide-by-cop, in order to secure the final validation and acceptance of that "voice" of "Father";
The "Father" who required the "ultimate sacrifice" and self-humiliation/self-abuse as a final condition for his approval.
Make "Father's" ego (his "I" that he "AM") feel as GRAND as possible, by making one's self as much a pile-of-crap as possible *by comparison*.
BLEED upon that
(imagined) parental-narcissist's altar.
Keep bleeding, until there's nothing left to give.
In trade, the parental super-Narcissist will reward the pathetically codependent sycophant ... by recognizing them as their BEST KID;
- giving them a position of elevated grandeur and power over all lesser kids/dependents, as the official prime Flying Monkey.
He could hardly wait to hear it said.
"You've finally really proven your dedication to the glorification of my name (ego and power). Welcome to the eternal kingdom of loyalist Sheep; where you'll never again be even CAPABLE of having any divergent thought or feeling.
Blessed are those who surrender their freedom of will, for my glory.
You are my favored son, in whom I am well-pleased."
"Who needs Joseph-daddy anyways?
Fuck him, for not embracing me as his son.
I got me a REAL "Father" and have been given a way to eternally secure his acceptance.
-And a way to be raised into eternal POWER (over my own life, and over my enemies lives), after a life of powerlessness!
- AND a chance to finally prove how righteous I am in the eyes of my peers, as a MARTYR!
- And a chance to prove how evil my haters are, by having (manipulating) THEM to be the people who martyr me!"
It was all one big,
anti-stoic (super-needy; super dependent on the approval of others; looking for answers/resolutions outside of himself)
grand bid for personal power, acceptance, and vindication.
The writers sucked.
But that character was so "true to life" as a person with that composite of psychological dysfunctions, ...
that it "bleeds through" all the fictions which have been layered on top of his corpse like a shroud ...
as a real person.
The story-creators were not knowledgeable enough about human psychology
to convey those dysfunctions so vividly, intricately, accurately, and consistently.
THAT is why I think there really was a guy.
It's the only available "good reason" to think so.
I realize that Ehrman and other “historicists” have other reasons for thinking so.
I’m glad they agree with me.
But their reasons are ridiculous.
He was probably real; but not for the usual reasons historicists cite.
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