Why I Think "Jesus" Was A Real Person.
I think "Jesus" (no matter the real name of the person) was probably a real person. However, ... The only aspects of his real life that I think remain (intact) in the stories we have today are: The elements which reveal him to have been a bipolar, schizophrenic, alcoholic (self-medicating), perpetually homeless, usually jobless, charismatic, class-warfare activist; - blaming everyone in power for poverty and oppression; - romanticizing the downtrodden, poverty-stricken, sheeple of his society ... as righteous underdogs. He didn't really give much thought to other societies; much the same way nationalists (in any society) barely notice most other societies; except whomever they feel threatened by. Everything is defined in the context of the only society he knows and cares about; the setting of his own personal narrative. Meanwhile, His religious-fundamentalist upbringing was a primary cause of his mental illness; as such religions DO cause act...