
Showing posts from January, 2022

Why I Think "Jesus" Was A Real Person.

  I think "Jesus" (no matter the real name of the person) was probably a real person. However, ...  The only aspects of his real life that I think remain (intact) in the stories we have today  are: The elements which reveal him to have been a bipolar, schizophrenic, alcoholic (self-medicating), perpetually homeless, usually jobless, charismatic, class-warfare activist; - blaming everyone in power for poverty and oppression;  - romanticizing the downtrodden, poverty-stricken, sheeple of his society ... as righteous underdogs. He didn't really give much thought to other societies; much the same way nationalists (in any society) barely notice most other societies; except whomever they feel threatened by.  Everything is defined in the context of the only society he knows and cares about; the setting of his own personal narrative.    Meanwhile, His religious-fundamentalist upbringing was a primary cause of his mental illness; as such religions DO cause act...

"Hate" can sometimes be a healthy emotion and an ethical expression

  So this has been on my mind ever since this issue (recently) came up on a Mythvision livestream. -- In certain contexts, people cringe when they hear the word "hate". It's ok to say something like "I hate that food" or "I hate Mondays". But when it comes to how we feel about X, whenever X is tied to someone else's sense of identity, ... There's an unwritten social etiquette and common notion of "ethics", to refrain from an "I hate that" position; - as if such a thing would be a gross sort of attack on the sacred identity and values of others. So then, most critics of certain specific religions (categories, sects, etc.) will: a.) avoid saying they "hate" that religion. and b.) actively speak down about anyone who DOES say they "hate" that religion; - accusing the "hater" of being ethically, socially, or cognitively immature or dysfunctional. I saw that this past week in a Mythvision livestream....