The Inherent Hypocrisy And "Bad Witness" of Christians Who Fight To Ban Abortion

When Christians oppose abortion on moral grounds,
they are actually contradicting their own moral premise.


Bibles says to "put first the kingdom (of Heaven)".

If an aborted fetus = a "dead baby", then that "baby" gets a free ticket to paradise (unless your "God" is evil enough to send babies to a Hell).

- Whereas, if it lives to see "the age of accountability", then the odds of it ending up in "Hell" are very very high.

Morally speaking, Christians should be WANTING all fetuses be aborted; to ensure their "eternal fate" is a good one.

Meanwhile, ...
* If the reason the Christian "God" allows so much suffering and death ... is because:

HIS own moral view is:
"free will" must not be interfered with, ...

Christians are actually fighting AGAINST their God's moral foundation ... by trying to interfere with other people's "free will";

- worse yet: when they interfere with other people's "free will" ... "in His name".
If your "God" considers it WRONG for HIM to interfere, ...

Then your GOD would not sanction anyone else to interfere;

because then he would be defying his own moral code;

-unless he has some sort of Multiple Personality Disorder
and keeps forgetting what his own moral views are.

Maybe your "God" really is that crazy.
Or ...
maybe that's just you.

Consider, then, what sort of "witness" you're being, to defy Him.

You're basically telling the world ... that you think your "God" is an idiot.
So you've *gone rogue* ... to take a stand of ACTION ... that he wasn't wise enough to agree with.

Consider, then, that anyone who NOTICES that ...
is RIGHTLY pushed away FROM your religion's deity;
because YOU just gave countless people ample reason to doubt the entire premise.

 After all, since YOU (and countless other "believers" in your religion)
don't respect your alleged "God's" morally-themed ideals, ...
Why should anyone?

Granted, everyone already HAD ample reason to doubt it.
But that doesn't excuse you ... choosing to give everyone even more reasons to stop taking your religion seriously.
Consider, then, what your bible says ... about BELIEVERS ... who "stumble" people.

It says that your God ... will make sure
you regret that day YOU were born.

That's pretty ironic, considering that it's the abortion debate that you're choosing to defy your religion's GOD about.


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