The Insanely Insecure, Antisocial, and Psychopathic "God" of Christian Fundamentalists.
"Why can't your supposed "god" just show up and tell me himself in an actual conversation? Why is it ALWAYS other humans having to tell me about "god"? I know, I know, things just don't work that way, right? Same reason Santa Clause never actually showed up and other people had to tell me about him and bring the presents."
A Christian replied with:
"maybe, try this , Go humble before Jesus and God like a little child , and ask him he will show you something.
It has to be prayer."
My reply to this conversation (directed at the Christian).
It's almost as if you didn't understand his point.
What you are suggesting
is that he fist ASSUME
that a long list of specific religious claims are true,
and then:
after adopting that mindset, without any rational available reason to do so, ...
put himself also into the mindset of a helpless and lost child; an utterly dependent, literally childish mindset;
-just because some fallible, random, religious nobody advises that.
-DESPITE THE FACT that any great cosmic truth would logically be geared for the receptiveness of mature adults. Seriously, when does immaturity ever turn out to be the pathway to improved human function?
Surely you realize that answer to that is:
And then:
BEG for scraps of love and truth
from the self-abusing mental-perspective of someone worthy of neither.
And then, in theory, he could become the beneficiary of:
literal *confirmation*
of that randomly chosen *bias*.
That's literally why it's called "confirmation bias".
But since when does THAT ever foster honest, rational objectivity?
Surely you realize the answer to that is also:
Meanwhile, James Harbold's point was that no one should be asked or expected to make any assumptions AT ALL.
If I want to ~be known~ by someone,
it's on me to be:
* pro-social rather than anti-social,
*socially courageous rather than cowardly,
*personally accountable rather than trying to pass off my responsibilities.
it's on me
to walk right up to a person and say "Hi", and then progress into whatever sort of conversation would make my existence, character, and intentions known to the person I want to be known by.
I wouldn't:
* hide from literal sight,
and then
* hope that correct-enough RUMORS about me would reach the person I wanted to be friends with (or, in the case of bible-God, a person I wanted to "lovingly enslave"),
and then
* wait and see if they pass a TEST
that requires a long series of lucky guesses about me,
and then
* see if they follow that up by acting in the specific
self-abusing, irrational, intentionally immature ways
that I want them to act; so that I can feel sufficiently 'sought', 'found', and "loved".
* So I can then decide if I need to lovingly kill and/or lovingly torture them forever in an inescapable torture-basement I built for everyone i feel "personally rejected by".
Your proposed "Father" is quite literally super-evil and super-insane.
Now, someone could argue that the "true God" is nether evil nor insane.
But if THAT is true, then "the true God" is going to be Super-P!$$@d at people like you and William Lane Craig ... for spreading rumors where you DESCRIBE him as super-evil and super-insane, and then GASLIGHTING everyone who notices ... by trying to get them to doubt themselves (and every dictionary, and every modern Psychology diagnostic manual) about what counts as "good" and "sane".
Original conversation found here (link)
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