This review is for the video discussion between Michael Shermer and Stephen Meyer
at this link.
Title of video:
"Stephen Meyer—Return of God Hypothesis: 3 Scientific Discoveries Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe"
There's simply never going to be a need for anyone to get creatively unique and complex ... when pointing out a simple factual error, logical error, or a simple absurdity.
Nor does anyone need to prove their fairness and reasonability by showing token respect to clinically narcissist religiosity.
In any event, ...
Meyer keeps:
* appealing to Magic and Magic-Man,
* pretending those are "scientific" theories,
* willfully mispresenting the actual science,
(ie. trying to mislead his audience, by claiming that:
* primary cosmological theories and competing cosmological theories agree on a true beginning of our universe (including all that it consists/subsists of).
* falsely inferring that there is a consensus among biological and cosmological scientists that those respective systems are definitely "fine tuned";
- in order for Meyer to:
* create a NEED for a "fine tuner",
* so that he can then offer to SATISFY that fabricated need),
* repeatedly committing the fallacy of Argument from Ignorance (we don't know how these cosmological and biological systems initially formed, therefore we can't prove they can form without a Magic-Man, therefore Magic-Man),
(same EXACT way Abrahamic fundamentalists used to reason about diseases of the body and the brain/mind. "Therefore demons"),
* lending himself the appearance of being a peer to actual scientists by being able to correctly paraphrase philosophers speaking ABOUT the sciences they don't have credentials in,
* while he speaks as an authority about specific sciences he himself doesn't have credentials in.
It's disgusting.
Also, "intelligent design" is known throughout the scientific community as "pseudoscience"; which has been proven repeatedly in high level courts, when I.D.-creationists fought and LOST their battles to get their Religious Fundamentalist ~Genesis Creation Mythology~ taught in science classrooms.
In closing, ...
I'll let Dr Josh Bowen quote/agree with other actual historians about Meyer's disingenuous klan of pseudo-intellectuals.
Starting at 22:38
(link) "Fundamentalism is incompatible with scholarship (any and all actual scholarship)":
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