When Christians post Bible verses in social media groups.

(This blog began as a reply, in a "Stoicism" philosophical group)

When Christians post Bible verses in social media groups, ...

There are many reasons we should care.


* Bibles are designed to be a conversation limiter.

* Bible writers, producers, and marketers claim sole/exclusive legit philosophy;

- allowing only whichever plagiarized parts of outside philosophies the writers (and canonizers) decided to add;
- before they finally closed the book so that
no new ideas could be added.

* Bibles directly attempt to coerce and subvert ever reader's free journey of personal discovery;
- in regards to everything that matters in life;
- including personal relationships, values, priorities, and personal identity.

* They create and then weaponize human mental-slaves ... to go out and mentally shackle as many others as possible.

*Bibles aggressively bash the character of all non-believers, different believers, not-correct-enough-believers, and non-fanatical (aka "Lukewarm") believers; 

-along with everyone who doesn't abide by their archaic moral precepts;

- such as L, G, B, and T;
whom are driven to SUICIDE at an alarming daily rate, by the bullies (often their very own parents) who imagine themselves to be beacons of LOVE and LIGHT in a dark world.

The same holds true for non-believers, and so-called "pagans",
in regions where

Christians have a monopoly on social-gathering opportunities;

- where outsiders must not OUT themselves as a wicked non-Christian, UNLESS they profess themselves as a "seeker" of Christian truths ...

if they hope to be accepted and respected in those social settings.

Inevitably, that causes higher depression and suicide rates for non-believers and differently-believers in those regions.
- Because we are social creatures.
These are physiological needs.

* They also grievously threaten everyone who questions any of its claims.

* The various, rival (mutually exclusive) sects go even further;
extending those threats ... to anyone questioning their sub-group's "spirit led" interpretations of those claims.

* They also advocate for intentionally subverting the ~right to self determination~ of every child who finds themselves at the mercy of "true believers"; by means of:

rigorous emotional and cognitive manipulation, towards the specific goal of indoctrinating (brainwashing) them "for their own good" ...

 while SIMULTANOUSLY claiming to prioritize all humans' "Free will".

* They also blatantly tell readers "Do not trust in your own understandings".
In other words, "let us fallible nobodies do your thinking for you. And let's all pretend a literal GOD told US what to tell YOU to think".

* They also set out to CRUTCH people's entire identity
onto an aggressively divisive, textbook-narcissistic worldview;

- which ends up making people so emotionally sensitive about those beliefs (because: they base their worth on that artificial narrative) ...

that makes it HARDER for them to be Stoic;

-which is partly why they flock here ... seeking the extra help they need, with the problem their religion worsens.

 Their religion worsens their mental state in other ways too. But this blog is already TL;DR. 
Feel free to ask. I'll be happy to unpack it.

Meanwhile, ...

*They don't just base THEIR worth on their religious narrative.
They base EVERYONE'S worth on it.
each person's worthiness to even EXIST,
(depending on interpretation)
your/my worthiness to exist without being literally tortured (forever).

*They also argue AGAINST the necessary foundations of human morality;
a.) claiming the ultimate expression of morality is to EVADE accountability for our misdeeds, by literally scapegoating our transgressions to an innocent martyr,
b.) incentivizing a loss of empathy for others, by painting humans as innately contemptable creatures who need to be "forgiven" for being so awful that we deserve to die (or far worse),
c.) portraying all critics (even people in other sects of their own religion) as scheming agents of an evil arch Nemesis,
d.) blaming most suffering on people not being in their religion, or not being "strong" enough in their faith; so that we are all just "doing this to ourselves"; and thus: aren't due for much sympathy. 

 It also excuses them from seeking factual understanding of the real reasons people suffer.

They don't even realize how much of the suffering in our world is caused BY their religion.  

  In fact, you'll be "wronging" them if you mention it
(textbook clinical narcissism). 


These are NOT the foundations of free inquiry,
nor rational thought;

- nor equitable human conversations, relationships, or societies.

It's not even compatible.

Meanwhile, the larger gambit is literally extorsion.

It's a protection racket.

The sects are all just rival gangs;
of both organized and independent mafias.

When they post Bible verses in social media groups,
they aren't merely sharing some random philosophical concept.

If they wanted to just do THAT, ... they wouldn't need to present the concept AS a bible verse.

They could just share the concept itself, without plugging their religious book.

In fact, since ALL of the philosophical concepts in bibles were copied from other sources, there's literally never a time when a bible is the correct source to credit as the origin of a single, specific concept. 

They're really just flag-planting for their colonizing religion.

It's like a dog pissing on a fire hydrant, to mark his territory.

Missionaries are mafia thugs;
sent by a mysterious BOSS (who doesn't even exist),
to sell everyone PROTECTION ... from the very BOSS we're told we need to be protected from.

Meanwhile, they call it "free",
but it's fantastically expensive;

- and not just in terms of cash.

Although, yea. "The Boss" does need your money too.
They just aren't going to mention that part until later.

But rest assured, they'll make sure he gets it.

And ~right about then~ ... is when they're also going to be telling you how to vote; because sociopolitical power is (ultimately) among their chief objectives.

But sure.
We can keep making excuses for them,
and pretending like they are the poor innocent victims of those awful awful atheists and pagans.

And we can keep sheltering their BS from fair public challenge, while NOT sheltering any other demographic.

Or we can recognize that Karl Popper was right, when he explained the Paradox of Tolerance.

If we CARE about the future of humanity, ...
if we have any STAKE in that at all,
then perhaps we should be prepared to fight for it.

When Christians (and similar) bring that fight to any specific place, then that's where the battle belongs; same as any active crime scene.

At the very least, 
let's stop pretending  
it isn't what it is. 


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