Advice for Bible-God. first/rough draft sa

 Victor Turner

So we have:

Option 1:
a "God" creates flawed people
and then condemns them for being flawed,
blames them for the specific ~ways~ they are flawed (by design),
blames them for the inevitable results of those flaws,
blames EVERYONE for the crimes of the few,
and then offers to "forgive" random lucky religious-lottery winners, who lucky-guess the best version of the trust religion, ... who managed to lucky guess enough things before their totally random life-timer expires.

-and then rewards the winner with:
no longer being ABLE to sin (ever again).

Wait. Wouldn't that make them robots?

- And sends everyone else (most people who ever existed) to a "Hell".... that ultimately serves no necessary or just purpose.

Option 2:
Make people with:
a. fewer flaws,

b. nothing so serious as flaws,

c. limit the amount of suffering they can cause or experience,

d. communicate that deity's will, thoughts, and values ... ~perfectly~
(so that everyone gets every message, and no one misunderstands the messages),

e. install a literal viewing window into heaven,

f. don't even bother making a "hell",

g. make all punishments ~restorative~ rather than revenge-focused,

h. never throw anyone away like trash (never even threaten it),

i. allow people to opt-out of existence; without
any controversy, risks, pain, or trauma; after all healthy recourse is exhausted.

j. don't encourage anyone to make huge/unfair accusations/assumptions about people who aren't convinced of ... anything they aren't presented with objectively substantial evidence for.

k. allow anyone instant entry into heaven, once they simply and earnestly declare a "final choice" to be there (no need to keep enduring a horrible prison-planet. and no need to die a horrible death),

L. ban all martyrdom.
A "God" doesn't need anyone to horrifically suffer or die for him or his ego,

M. ban all proselyting.
a "God" doesn't need anyone to speak on his behalf. In fact, doing so automatically infers an impotent and irresponsible god.

N. Don't make (nor allows others to make) more people than you've made a proper space for.

O. Don't spread super-toxic, invisible natural elements around the earth's water supply

P. Color-code all plants, to indicate which ones are toxic to humans, and to indicate level of toxicity.

Q. Don't put humans or animals at risk of natural disasters.

R. Don't design an ecosystem where suffering and death (even for lower animals) are functionally necessary features.

S. Make all functionally-necessary types and sources of pain ... not a single bit more painful than whatever is needed for the functional purpose.

T. Don't copy off of false religions, and then pretend you came up with that stuff,

U. Don't let whoever is correctly understanding and pleasing you ... get obscured in a sea of pretender-religions, and then blame anyone for not finding the right one, or for not assuming there is a right one.

v. If you don't like foreskins, don't make foreskins.
If you change your mind, fix it yourself.

w. don't keep changing your mind about your "eternal moral views"; or just admit your views randomly change over time.

x. don't wait millions of years, watching less developed creatures suffer, and then hundreds of thousands of years watching humans suffer,
before finally getting involved.

y. Whenever you get involved, don't half-ass it.
Show some WORK ETHIC.
For example:
If you heal someone, heal everything. even the effects of aging.

z. Whenever you do a miracle, let it be seen as you doing it. Don't hide your involvement by making it look like medicine or chance saved the day, and then send your fanbase out to try convincing people it was really you. DECIDE if you want credit. Act accordingly.

I have a few more. But I ran out of letter in the alphabet.


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