
Showing posts from October, 2024

Another Cocky Christian Fundamentalist Misunderstands Hitchens

I had to go look it up. I read the entire account where he talks about Miss Watts. At first, it did seem very out of place. He flattered her, and then insulted her, and then went back to flattering her again. But the only reason that seemed so random is because I listened to this video first; before I went to read it. By the time I finished reading that entire account, and then looked up the meaning of "old trout", his actual meaning became very obvious to me. This very gentle woman with very beautiful character became, for a moment, very un-beautiful. This happened a.) exactly when and b.) exactly because of ... allowing herself to become ugly for her religion. She suddenly fell from grace, in the eyes of 9-year-old Christopher. Middle-aged Christopher isn't calling her names. He is explaining the transformation 9-yr-old Christopher witnessed and how stark and startling it was for him at the time. In that moment, instead of her staying true to her

Christian Gaslighting. Their vs Our Views About Sin

Today, I read a post where a Christian fundamentalist  tried to negate a valid criticism. That criticism can be found here: [ link ]  He attempted this by misrepresenting that criticism and also by misrepresenting his own theology.  He said this: "Think this through. Try to see how there might not be a contradiction at all. There are two people, both of whom are sinners. One struggles against his tendency to sin by appealing to Christ's mercy, forgiveness, and strength so that he may overcome and manage sin. But the other simply enjoys sin and turns against God, claiming that her sin is not sin.  She persistently declares that the God Who convicts of sin does not exist. All are sinners, but one turned from God because she wanted to sin. No contradiction, and we see here, yet again, the defect in public schools, wherein logic and critical thinking are no longer taught." -------- Here, I respond:   Problems I have with this include: * If "sin" means to fall sh

The Double-Standard Of Defending Christianity Against Hate

 In a "Private" Facebook group titled " THE LIES IN THE BIBLE "  (a group with 1 million members),  someone posted this meme: Personally, I find it mildly amusing. It goes a bit too far. But I see it as harmless venting from people are currently still pissed off at how Christian fundamentalist parents and churches GAS LIT and SABOTAGED their minds and their lives. However, In reply to that meme, someone said this: "interesting , a person posting about what is inexistent and using the pretext to insult other people. You are very sick my friend. Well , I am not used to post "There is no Mary Poppins" .. hmm "There is no Blipop Bot"... There are no flying sharks... etc . 😃 Gaz lighting , insulting, enjoying hate , and putting down your ancestors , and logic. You need a psychiatrist for sure" ===== Here, I respond. [Note: I'm responding as a blog, so that I can "save my work". This way, I can can just copy/paste these

Apologetics, Integrity, and Credibility

[My reply to this video is, here, written from the narrative perspective of: Me responding directly to Randal. However, it is primarily written for the benefit of myself as a mental exercise. This is secondarily for the benefit to anyone willing to consider my perspective on these issues. As always,  I welcome divergent constructive points of view]  Again, Randal, like always, I agree with much of what you say. However, again, you're missing the elephant in the room; the obvious thing that's bigger than the game you're focused on. Think about this. Cameron only has YOU (and maybe some few other easily-ignored human voices) offering to help Cameron SIMULATE the effect of spending time at a God-Beach, catching God-Rays. You've noticed. Cameron claims to have spent every day at the God-beach. But he never comes home with a God-tan. And yet, you keep misunderstanding the fact that you aren't in the same religion. And you do NOT have the same "God"