How non-theists can justify moral values and judgements.
Today, I stumbled across this comment: "In atheism, there is no concept of objective good and evil. As Dawkins states, at bottom, 'there is no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference'. So it is rather ironic that atheists express moral outrage over something their worldview does not permit to exist. Yet, by acknowledging any form of injustice, they are implicitly agreeing to the existence of a moral law — and, consequently, a moral lawgiver." --- In reply, I offer this: First, let's open with a rebuttal offered by the renowned scientist and philosopher Steven Pinker. I'd also point out that "theists" don't actually get their morals from any "God". All human moral concepts and values come from humans. Humans are the only sentient beings who had a hand in writing bibles, qurans, and all other alleged "holy texts". Even if we assume (for the sake of argument) that a Super-Being was personally i...