If there is no "God", what is "good"?

@catfinity8799 asks: re "If there is no God, what is good?" --- Right off the top of my head, here is a multi-faceted and completely fair reply : If there is a "God" (whatever that is), we're still left struggling to make ethical-values assessments for ourselves. As evidence for that: Billions of Christians and even more theists can't agree on what attitudes, concepts, and behaviors should make any deity's list" of "what is good". The God-hypothesis neither prevents nor resolves divergence of values. It only does so in random pockets. But then it pits all those randomly divergent pockets of theists against each other; - making it impossible for humanity to harmonize their values. Because when a person thinks their values are gifted to them from an infallible source which they have well-understood, it makes that person less able (often even outrighted incapable) of questioning those alleged revelations. - Be...