Refuting a random Xian Fundie's bad take on science.
In a series of claims meant to reveal the obvious legitimacy of fundamentalist Christianity, some random fundie on the interwebz proposed a few hard-hitting proofs. Those claims are highlighted in italics . My responses are given after each claim. --- Fundie said this: "firstly, I have personally met many scientists who became Christians and young earth believers while getting their masters/PhDs in their respective fields. The scientific evidence pushed them into Christianity." -- My reply: I'm unwilling to place faith in you (some random dude on the internet) about your personal experiences. I'm not placing faith in the 'personal testimonies' of those alleged-people either. And I think you realize that it's entirely reasonable for me to withhold such wasteful charity. It was un reasonable for you to even attempt to get me to place such faith in any humans; including humans I can't verify even exist. Nor is it likely that you just stumbled into c...