
Showing posts from May, 2023

A Conversation with a Christian-Fundamentalist; About Morality and "Free Will".

My FB-friend, David Brown, recently posted a great post about Free Will (more specifically, libertarian free will; the kind that religious fundamentalists pretend we have). My thoughts on the matter:    We will 100% always choose our strongest-felt motivator. If someone is faced with the choice of vanilla or chocolate icecream, ...  they will imagine each taste, while they recall what those were like for them in the past. If they expect chocolate to be the preferred experience, they'll choose chocolate. But if they are in the middle of a "Free Will" debate with me, while standing in line, ... and I tell them they WILL choose whichever flavor they expect a more enjoyable experience from, ... they now have a new variable to weigh. Now they have to FIRST decide which flavor they'll enjoy more. And then they have to weigh the pull of that motivator ... against any desire they might have to "prove they have free will". But they'll still fail to prove they h

Defending TJump's statements about Abiogenesis; as seen at r/Catholicism Subreddit

Image r/Catholici Posts 1 new comment 0 Posted by u/[deleted] 4 months ago Does abiogenesis disprove God? Someone on a video states this: The only process we know of in which organisms multiply and change is through natural means. Who(ever) disagrees with this has to provide an alternative solution, which of course doesn’t exist. The video also goes into depth how how since abiogenesis explains more, it’s the better alternative. Video:  TJump Can someone help refute this? My answer: --  TJump is correct. Abiogenesis is a scientific explanation. No alternative scientific theories exist. Whereas, "God did it" is the same as saying "Invisible Magic Man In Sky did it". Abiogenesis attempts to figure out the physical/chemical processes which led up to the simplest biological organisms. Now, saying one explanation is better than the other ... is a matter of utility. -- Many people prefer the s