
Showing posts from May, 2022

We Don't Merely Quote History's Icons. We Perpetually Create And Recreate Them In Our Own Image

  Andrew Quinn 11h    ·  64 64 72 Comments 3 Shares Like Comment Share 72 Comments Top comments  Active Write a public comment… Active James Apperson In other words, 3 Like Reply Share 2h Daniel Robert Carroll James Apperson  from my limited understanding of seneca I think its the opposite of this , Orwell showed the inherent dichotomy of control, both given and taken, through someone's else commands, whereas Seneca is talking about mastering your own control as his 'gods ' were virtuous within a natural balance, universal laws as it were that only you can hold yourself accountable for. Like Reply Share 1h Active James Apperson Daniel Robert Carroll  If that's what he meant, then it's a shame he wasn't better at utilizing language to convey ideas.     Rob Furey   And yet his words are still remembered after two millenia. Active James Apperson Yes. However, that's because humans are habitually cannibalizing the 'noted'. -- The noted whose *na...