
Explaining Judaism And Christianity To A Trinitarian

Nothing in any part of the Hebrew Bible is about Jesus. Isaiah 9:6, for example, is either about king David or a male descendant of his physical lineage. History presents an  incomplete picture of what's being written about.  In fact, this is always the case with both Hebrew and Christian religious texts. However, the academic consensus about the entire book of Isaiah is that:  It was written during or soon-after when David was king.  Chapter 9 verse 6 is either about David or one of his male heirs.  It would be like me, today, writing about Michael Jackson; as someone will be called the king of pop. Or writing about how Trump will be called divine by his cult.     It's not a prophecy. NOR is about anyone showing up someday to clear humanity's sin-debts.  In fact, per the Hebrew religion,  humanity did not HAVE a sin-debt.   The Hebrews sometimes sinned (made their gods mad).  Whenever that happened, they gained a sin-debt (according to their religion). But they had ways

Christianity's Credibility Crisis. How Randal Rauser Is Misunderstanding That Crisis.

[First Draft. And also probably the last draft.  I don't really care about the typos.  Chances are, nobody's gonna read this anyway. It's just a 'thing' I felt like writing today. ]  Dear Randal, ... [My inner dialogue: "Dear"? Really? Isn't that a bit overly personal, and bordering on intimate?" "Is this where I should say #NoHomo?" "Lol, nah. But it is kinda cringe." "Kinda. But "Attention" sounded like I'm setting the stage for condescension. Whereas, "hey" sounds like I just saw a friend in a parking lot and I'm wanting to catch up." "Ok. But you could just skip that part entirely." "True. But I want the reader to understand from the start that the narrative perspective I'm writing from is "to" someone.", and I wanted to start off as non-threatening as possible". "Fair point. But you could set the stage for that, here, by ju

Why Jesus Used Hate And Fear To Destroy Family Bonds

[First draft]    Someone going by the name " Drip Lord Mezaya "  wrote:  Religion is not Good for mankind. It creates division rather than love and unity. I hate it In reply, someone named Jayarathne Abeydeera posted this comment: In the Bible, Jesus says, "Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!" in Luke 12:51-53. Jesus also says, "I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law'" in Matthew 10:34. Jesus' statement may seem shocking because it contradicts other promises that he would bring peace.   However , Jesus is challenging his listeners to repent and convert by denouncing injustice and wrongdoing." Later, in that same post/comment,  Jayarathne adds:  " In choosing to see life differently—to embrace our true Oneness with God instead of accepting old beliefs of separation, guilt,(and)